In order to increase the transparency of the ETH 2.0 pledges service on Bitpie, the Bitpie ETH 2.0 pledge address and other information are now disclosed.
Bitpie ETH 2.0 pledges address:0xa8582b5a0f615bc21d7780618557042be60b32ed
Number of Bitpie ETH 2.0 nodes: 900
Bitpie ETH 2.0 pledges amount: 28,800 ETH
Relevant assets are pledged in the ETH official contract, and all users can view the relevant records of Bitpie ETH 2.0 pledges service. above link can also be viewed on the Bitpie ETH 2.0 page.
Bitpie Wallet is a decentralized wallet. The private key/mnemonic of the wallet is kept by the user and only the user has the sole control over their own assets, and Bitpie cannot freeze any user assets. or control.
Bitpie Team
29 November 2022